Harvesting Morocco's Essence: Where Tradition Meets Freshness!

Our story

Just prior to the onset of the Covid pandemic, two fervent Moroccan travel enthusiasts, deeply enamored with the diverse world of plants, embarked on a journey to a quaint village in northern Morocco.

Here, they encountered villagers who, much like them, harbored an unwavering passion for the botanical realm.

Moroccan Dry Mint: A Culinary Delight with Health Benefits and Exclusivity

Moroccan Rose Water: Elixir of Beauty and Tradition

Our Guiding Principles

Natural products are the basis of our company philosophy. We strive to work only with the best natural ingredients and rely on producers of raw materials, whose quality has been proven over the years.

Pure natural products

Our products consist of 100% of the specified main ingredients. You will not find any artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives in our products.

Carefully selected ingredients

We work closely with our suppliers and select only the best products for you. Each batch is carefully checked by us according to strict quality criteria and only then released for packaging and shipping.

Quality along the entire value chain

From cultivation, collection, drying, and processing, to careful packaging by hand in our factory, we ensure quality in-house and with our trusted suppliers.